+64 9 373 3791
abe strategist profile
Marketing Consultant / Marketing Strategist
12 Plus years Experience
Hamilton, Wellington, Tauranga

Represented: 18/10/18

Fonterra Win Back: Better Together 2017

About Project

Fonterra is the world’s leading milk processor and dairy exporter.Fonterra is the world’s leading milk processor and dairy exporter.




Advertising, Campaign Analysis, Campaign Reporting, Insight Generation, Market Review, Marketing Strategy




In the lead up to 2016, record numbers of Fonterra farmers were selling their shares in the co-operative and switching to competitors. With an average farm’s milk supply worth over $3 million to the co-op, Fonterra needed to win these lost farmers back.

Inspiration: Dairy is more than a job or a business, it’s their life’s work

The strategic leap was to abandon rational business messages and appeal to farmers’ hearts. This approach reflects the significance of their life’s work and communities.

Idea: What’s the story?

A personalised message focuses on their dreams and not Fonterra’s goals. This was a totally personalised approach ‘Better Together’ asked; ‘Does your dairy company do for you, what Fonterra is doing for its members? Tell us how you feel about that?’


The objective was to win back 5% of dairy farmers lost over the previous 5 years in year one. Within six months 160% of target for the 2017/18 agreed to return.

These farms will deliver 2.2 million kg of milk solids to the co-operative, so NZ$13M cash flow returned to the co-op. ROI for every $1 spent on this campaign is 342 : 1.

Conversion of 2.2 million kg of milk solids into litres is approx. 25 million litres. Multiplied by $1.10 revenue per litre delivers a return of NZ$27.8M for this activity.

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